
enjoying summer break

Asa's Sunny from the Codorus Creek.
Asa and his best friend, Sam, are taking swimming lessons at our pool. Unfortunately, this week of his classes has been cold and rainy.
Jake and Asa eating Cheese Curls at the pool.
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asa takes swimming lessons during the coldest, rainiest week of June

Asa with his best friend, Sam. Asa is loving his swim lessons. Not even the mid-60 degree, 100% cloudy weather doesn't keep him from wanting to go to his lesson! He goes every night this week at 7pm. This whole week we will have well below normal temperatures.

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Trout Fishing in the Codorus Creek

Friends of Sandra learned of Asa's great fondness of fly fishing and offered to come teach him a thing or two about fly fishing. Jody is a certified fly fishing instructor, and visited us for the day (along with his wife Rachel, and two little girls) to fish with Asa and John. It was obvious that Jody loved teaching as much as Asa loved learning. Both of them would have stayed at the creek fishing all day long if we let them.

Here is a good-sized Brown Trout that Jody caught. Our whole family was shocked that we even really had trout that size in our creek! Asa caught a Brook Trout. The boys put them back in the stream so they could have a chance to catch them again another day.

Cream also had a good day catching things. He caught this young starling. He came slowly sauntering up the road with this in his jaws. He walked past all of us and up the porch to the front door; we could see the bird was very much alive, flapping its wings every once in a while. After some discussion amongst the humans, we decided that we should put an end to this Wild Kingdom moment; after all, he gets fed two healthy servings of cat food every day - he doesn't need additional sustenance. After forcing Cream to let go of the bird, he was clearly mad at us for quite a while afterwards.