
har cut

This is the "before" picture of Asa. Here are the boys in North Carolina while staying with the G's. Long story, short - Asa said that he wanted a "bald haircut". He's been saying for quite a while that he wants to be bald. I told him to just give it a few years and it will likely happen on its own, but he wants it now! I didn't particularly love the idea of him sporting a bald style, but I figured that now is a good time to give him his wish - and hopefully this will convince him that maybe his curls aren't so bad afterall (he says he hates his curly hair).

I let him feel his head after the first couple of swipes of the buzzer. Shocking!

We all wanted to feel it.

I told him that this cut was his future-look. He wasn't ready for that look, so we continued buzzing away.

Here is the finished look. He says he likes it, but he quietly asked me if it would grow back before his birthday party. He says he doesn't want the kids to laugh at him. I told him that it would grow back quickly, and if it didn't he could wear a hat! He seemed satisfied with that answer.


Ka-plink, Ka-plank... Ka-plunk

The boys and I went to pick blueberries today with Jake's best friend, Emma, and her mother, Ann. BTW: Are all blueberry places called "Blueberry Hill"? Anyway, we'd never been to pick our own blueberries, however, it was Ann's fourth visit this season!

The bushes were packed with nice-sized berries, and it was really fun to pick them. Asa rediscovered his love for the berries - after a 3-year hiatus.

A great many berries never made it into our baskets, but made a detour into our mouths!

We finally stopped picking after we filled up two large baskets. We took them home and cleaned them, and will freeze half of them, and make delicious fresh desserts with rest of them. I'm thinking: blueberry-vanilla goat's milk ice cream; blueberry-peach cobbler (Ann says she has an awesome recipe), and a straight-up blueberry pie. I love the summer when all of my favorite fruits and veggies come into season! Posted by Picasa