Asa got an early birthday present from the Blums while they visited us early August. A new "Ugly Stick" fishing pole. Asa has become quite the outdoorsman, and especially since our summer vacation to Minnesota, has really taken to fishing. His Aunt Janice and Uncle Steve were big inspirations for him and eagerly awaited their return after each fishing trip on Woman Lake to see what they came home with. Then the best part... watching the fish being cleaned!

With his new pole, Asa asked his dad for bait, then immediately took off for the creek to catch those bluegill he kept seeing. All we had for bait at the time was frozen corn kernels, which apparently, bluegills like to eat. Asa "baited" his own hook and learned on his own that the best way to get a fish off the hook is to set the fish (while on the hook) down in the grass, and it gets itself off of the hook for you. That's how he did it! Then he walked back home and asked for a string to put his fish on. It was really amazing how he just really did it all by himself. He had no desire for help or assistance from either of his folks. He genuinely enjoyed doing it all for himself. Both of his parents are so proud of him.

1 comment:
Way to Go, Asa! Your Granddad didn't fish at all, your Dad fishes some, and you, it looks like, will become the "Fishing Smith!"
Love Ya,
---- Granddad & Grammie
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