This nest was just sitting on the ground next to the railroad tracks. Asa put this egg that he found weeks ago into the nest in hopes that a Robin will come and make it hatch. Asa originally found the little blue egg abandoned and intact on the ground in our pasture. He wanted to bring the egg to his house so he could give it a chance to hatch. He built a surrogate nest out of an empty egg carton and some grass clippings. He is still hoping that it'll hatch. When we saw this actual nest, Asa thought if his egg were in it, that might improve the egg's chances of hatching. We'll see!

Bunnies are appearing everywhere these days. This one thought that he was clever hiding under this truck.

I put in the lambs ear last year just after we moved in. Those yellow flowers (I don't know the name of them - maybe some kind of coreopsis) and Iris were already there. This year I put in one of my favorites - Yarrow; this one is in a nice bright pink.

This tree looks like a number 4. In this photo the bushes sort of conceal the botton right angle, but squint and you can see it.
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