We don't always get to keep in touch with the folks that we love as we'd like to. Here's the latest with what is happening in the lives of John, Jeanne, Jake and Asa.
Asa, Sam, and Jake
enjoying summer break
asa takes swimming lessons during the coldest, rainiest week of June
Trout Fishing in the Codorus Creek
Cream also had a good day catching things. He caught this young starling. He came slowly sauntering up the road with this in his jaws. He walked past all of us and up the porch to the front door; we could see the bird was very much alive, flapping its wings every once in a while. After some discussion amongst the humans, we decided that we should put an end to this Wild Kingdom moment; after all, he gets fed two healthy servings of cat food every day - he doesn't need additional sustenance. After forcing Cream to let go of the bird, he was clearly mad at us for quite a while afterwards.
The Bob Potts Heritage Rail Trail Marathon
That's our house on the very right. You can see how close it is to us. We loved it!
This is Maggie. She came running up the trail along with the other marathoners. She wasn't with any of the runners, so I guess she just decided that it looked like something she wanted to be a part of. She pulled over at our house for a breather and some enthusiastic petting. It didn't take long for Asa to declare her as "our new dog!" Sadly, her owner came to collect her about 15 minutes later.
It was a beautiful day in every way; and we are looking forward to next year's run.
Asa Officially Learns to Ride A Bike
Dip in the Creek
getting back into the groove
Asa with his best friend, Sam, at the Fairie Festival
Jake at the Fairie Festival
I am still working as a part-time librarian at the Arthur Hufnagel library in Glen Rock. I love working there! Surrounded by so many interesting books; no end to discovering great new things to read; satisfying my OCD-tendencies through re-shelving and scrutinizing each section to make sure the books are in the correct order! I am still busy volunteering at the boys' school and with the PTO. But right now, I am the most busy with my springtime gardening. I tilled and planted our vegetable garden; moving established plants from one bed to another; John and I cut down numerous Yew bushes that had turned into trees; lots of planting in containers and garden beds; and trying to reclaim the rest of the large yard removing scrub and overgrowth to make way for a grassy yard. All while desperately trying to avoid poison ivy. I have not done so well with that attempt so far.
This summer our family plans to hop into our new Versa and ride south to visit with Grammy and Granddad in North Carolina for a couple of weeks. I (and maybe the rest of the crew) will go to my hometown of Rock Island, IL to attend my 25-year high school reunion. Jake and Asa have never been there, and I'd like to show them where I grew up. We will also spend many days at the pool, and hope that we can find some camps for the boys. Asa wants to take a camp to hone his bow and arrow skills and to go to a Lacrosse camp. Both fellas will go to Art Camp at their favorite shop, The Studio and Art Bar.
Jake and Asa with our Nubian wether, Yankee
I think that's everything for now. The next post won't be so long-winded!