He came home today, and so far seems very frightened of people, of his surroundings, and of the other resident goats, Apple and Acorn. It doesn't help that Apple is trying to assert her position with Yankee. And not gently either. She is very intent on giving him a painful and lasting lesson on who's boss around here. Yankee is so much smaller in stature than Apple - and much thinner and he's still a baby. I won't be able to let him alone with them for quite a long while it seems.
On this first day for Yankee, it's hard to imagine him as a happy and comfortable resident of the Seven Valleys goat herd. But I felt that way during the first days of Acorn and Apple's arrival. Boy, have they come a long, long way. I am pretty satisfied with how things turned out with them. They are no longer scared of me at all. They come to me every time I go out to see them. I can put their leads on them with no resistance at all. Things are good with them. Now that all was well, we will begin the long, rocky road of working another kid into the family. But now I know it can be done - and I have all the confidence in the world.