We don't always get to keep in touch with the folks that we love as we'd like to. Here's the latest with what is happening in the lives of John, Jeanne, Jake and Asa.
First Snow Day of December '07
The Newest Addition to our Farm Family
Our neighbor Gretta is wild about all animals, especially kittens! She will come over and carry him all over the place. Boxcar doesn't seem to mind one bit.
Boxcar's eyes have healed almost 100%. The vet said that he is very impressed and amazed at how well the eyes healed, and all that's left is a bit of moisture on one layer covering the eyes - looks like he has a cataract - his own body's way of protecting the eye while he had the infection - and that is expected to go away in time. Boxcar is a kitten full of life and energy and affection for all. He and Cream absolutely adore each other. They love to lounge together and to chase each other all over the yard and the mill. I think that ever since Millie left, he's longed for a pal to play with. Now he has one!
Let's Dish!
Chef Jake in his cookin' clothes.
So long, Sadie
har cut
Ka-plink, Ka-plank... Ka-plunk
The boys and I went to pick blueberries today with Jake's best friend, Emma, and her mother, Ann. BTW: Are all blueberry places called "Blueberry Hill"? Anyway, we'd never been to pick our own blueberries, however, it was Ann's fourth visit this season!
The bushes were packed with nice-sized berries, and it was really fun to pick them. Asa rediscovered his love for the berries - after a 3-year hiatus.
A great many berries never made it into our baskets, but made a detour into our mouths!
We finally stopped picking after we filled up two large baskets. We took them home and cleaned them, and will freeze half of them, and make delicious fresh desserts with rest of them. I'm thinking: blueberry-vanilla goat's milk ice cream; blueberry-peach cobbler (Ann says she has an awesome recipe), and a straight-up blueberry pie. I love the summer when all of my favorite fruits and veggies come into season!
Milking Time
foreground is Ginseng, Sycamore in the rear
Morel Mushroom Find!
My man built a milk stand!
This stand uses a platform to raise Ginger higher for easier milking by the milkmaid... and a stanchion to hold Ginger's head in place and keep her on the stand until I am done milking her. Now I've just got to get faster at milking because when she's done eating her grain, she's ready to get down off of that crazy thing.
John made the milk stand and a stool for me to sit on while milking this weekend. He downloaded the plans from the best dairy goat website ever, Fias Co Farm. Everything you ever wanted to know or wondered about goats is answered on this site. I love my milk stand!!
Columbus, Ohio

I was able to get some Whole Foods Market shopping in where we bought some lamb to make at home for dinner. Delicious! I headed back home on Monday and was very happy and refreshed. It was good to return to my family again.
Coloring Easter Eggs
I wondered if it would work dying our own brown eggs. We found out that it does indeed work. Different tones, but beautiful still!
They turned out pretty darn great!
Snow Day
The Codorus Creek
Road Trip to Pittsburgh, PA
The official picture of the Duquesne Incline. Unfortunately, during our visit, it was cloudy, and very cold. The good thing was that it snowed alot! We haven't had much of that yet this winter. It was a plus.
The boys inside the incline car.
Jeanne and Kim are off for Sangria and conversation.
Snow. Finally!
For the chickens, it's business as usual.
The boys are thrilled to finally have snow to play in.
It only snowed for a couple of hours; not much accumulation at all. But still, it was really nice to have our first snow. We are hoping for more though!