
First Snow Day of December '07

Yeah! School was let out at 1:30 today so the kids could come home and play in the snow. We were only supposed to get about an inch at the most, but I'd say we have between two and three inches, and it's supposed to snow into the night. I love snow days. So do the boys.

Snowball fight!
I am the target of Jake's snowball fury.

I love the bike path in the snow.


The Newest Addition to our Farm Family

I found this pitiful little kitten on the trail one afternoon - he was following a couple who were jogging on the path. I overheard the man scolding the woman to "put it down - you can't carry it the whole way back!" I heard the woman half-argue that she couldn't just leave it there, but she eventually did. I wondered if that was my cat Cream they were referring to. Funny, Cream doesn't look like a stray that needs rescuing... I walked outside to see if indeed Cream was out there, but on the trail I found this very young and very vocal kitten running after this couple, by now pretty far up the path. It was a sad sight: the kitten not doing a very good job of following after these people; it seemed somewhat disoriented. All the time bellowing in desperation, reminding me of that sad scene from the movie, Shane. I quickly scooped up the kitten to check it out. One look at it and I knew it was in trouble. Both its eyes were really infected, one so badly that you couldn't even see the eye at all; so swollen that the inside parts were outside. Both eyes were surrounded with pus-covered open wounds, perhaps from scratching at the itchy eyes. He was very gentle and sweet and liked being held. The first thing I did was get him inside with some water and cat food. He was famished. Then I called the vet at Old Trail. I told them the story of the cat, and they suggested I bring him in immediately, which I did.
Other than the eye infections and ear mites, he was a healthy boy. The vet figures he's about four month old. I named him Boxcar Willie because of finding him on the train tracks. I went home with plenty of medicine and high hopes of restoring his health. Now, about 4 weeks later, Boxcar is doing very well. He has lots of admirers who come by to play with him whenever they get a chance.

Our neighbor Gretta is wild about all animals, especially kittens! She will come over and carry him all over the place. Boxcar doesn't seem to mind one bit.

Boxcar's eyes have healed almost 100%. The vet said that he is very impressed and amazed at how well the eyes healed, and all that's left is a bit of moisture on one layer covering the eyes - looks like he has a cataract - his own body's way of protecting the eye while he had the infection - and that is expected to go away in time. Boxcar is a kitten full of life and energy and affection for all. He and Cream absolutely adore each other. They love to lounge together and to chase each other all over the yard and the mill. I think that ever since Millie left, he's longed for a pal to play with. Now he has one!


Let's Dish!

Jake and I had a mother-son date night at Let's Dish! in Towson, MD. We had a lot of fun spending Friday evening preparing eight delicious meals for our family dinners. We made mouth-watering dishes like Prosciutto-Wrapped Chicken with Garlic Herb Cheese, Orange Teriyaki Mahi Mahi with Jasmine Rice, and Bruschetta with Chicken and Tomatoes, among others. It was nice to have some one-on-one time with Jake cooking in a completely stress-free environment. They did all the food prep, all the clean-up, and even provided scrumptious desserts for us to nibble on between meal-making. It was a darn good time, and it was darn-good eatin' tonight as we scarfed down our Shrimp Scampi with Linguine. I've done Let's Dish! with Sassa and also all alone for my own mom's night out. Good times! I recommend it to one and all - alone or with a friend or two.

Chef Jake in his cookin' clothes.


Us at the Warhol Museum photo booth. We used this photo as a template for Warhol-esque artwork done in the museum's hands-on workshop. It was lots of fun!


So long, Sadie

John found our barn cat, Sadie, expired in the back yard this morning. We don't know how or when she went. Sadie was our cat for only two years, but we sure will miss her very much.


har cut

This is the "before" picture of Asa. Here are the boys in North Carolina while staying with the G's. Long story, short - Asa said that he wanted a "bald haircut". He's been saying for quite a while that he wants to be bald. I told him to just give it a few years and it will likely happen on its own, but he wants it now! I didn't particularly love the idea of him sporting a bald style, but I figured that now is a good time to give him his wish - and hopefully this will convince him that maybe his curls aren't so bad afterall (he says he hates his curly hair).

I let him feel his head after the first couple of swipes of the buzzer. Shocking!

We all wanted to feel it.

I told him that this cut was his future-look. He wasn't ready for that look, so we continued buzzing away.

Here is the finished look. He says he likes it, but he quietly asked me if it would grow back before his birthday party. He says he doesn't want the kids to laugh at him. I told him that it would grow back quickly, and if it didn't he could wear a hat! He seemed satisfied with that answer.


Ka-plink, Ka-plank... Ka-plunk

The boys and I went to pick blueberries today with Jake's best friend, Emma, and her mother, Ann. BTW: Are all blueberry places called "Blueberry Hill"? Anyway, we'd never been to pick our own blueberries, however, it was Ann's fourth visit this season!

The bushes were packed with nice-sized berries, and it was really fun to pick them. Asa rediscovered his love for the berries - after a 3-year hiatus.

A great many berries never made it into our baskets, but made a detour into our mouths!

We finally stopped picking after we filled up two large baskets. We took them home and cleaned them, and will freeze half of them, and make delicious fresh desserts with rest of them. I'm thinking: blueberry-vanilla goat's milk ice cream; blueberry-peach cobbler (Ann says she has an awesome recipe), and a straight-up blueberry pie. I love the summer when all of my favorite fruits and veggies come into season! Posted by Picasa


Milking Time

Ladies of the morning. Here I prepare Ginger's teat dip after milking her.

Wake Up! It's 6:30 in the morning and time to milk the goat. Thank goodness John has made the coffee already. I had decided long ago that I wouldn't be one of those farmers who woke up at 3 or 4 or 5 in the morning to begin milking. Why on earth would you do that when you could do the same thing at say... 9 in the morning? Now I know. If any of you have ever breastfed a child (or know someone who has), you know what happens when you go too long without feeding your little babies! You get so full of milk that it feels like you'll explode, and it hurts so much! Not to mention that it's really difficult to get milk out of an udder that is beyond capacity. You can't just milk whenever you feel like it. Hard lesson Number 87. If you get out to milk at the right time, you can get a nice full udder that's easy to milk out. At this point I am milking once a day (the morning), and getting 5 to 5.5 pounds of milk. This is about 2.5 quarts. The bucklings keep Ginger milked the rest of the day, and then the little fellas are put in their own pen for the night (at which time Ginger is able to replenish her milk supply for me). After the bucklings go to their new farm in a couple of weeks, I'll have double the amount of milk each day, as I'll be milking Ginger in the evening too - the boys will no longer be around to do it for me.

foreground is Ginseng, Sycamore in the rear


Morel Mushroom Find!

Right along the bike path just a few feet from our property line I plucked these rare morel mushrooms. I've been watching this spot for a while now; last year I happened upon about 15 morels here while taking the goats out for a bit of browse. This year, I only found 3.
As a child, I remember each spring my Uncle Paul would take his seven kids to the woods to hunt for morel mushrooms. A time or two I tagged along. I found this a bizzare, yet interesting and exciting adventure. This memory jumped to the front of my brain when I spotted these just last spring in my own back yard.


My man built a milk stand!

Asa just had to be the first one to try out the milk stand!

This stand uses a platform to raise Ginger higher for easier milking by the milkmaid... and a stanchion to hold Ginger's head in place and keep her on the stand until I am done milking her. Now I've just got to get faster at milking because when she's done eating her grain, she's ready to get down off of that crazy thing.

John made the milk stand and a stool for me to sit on while milking this weekend. He downloaded the plans from the best dairy goat website ever, Fias Co Farm. Everything you ever wanted to know or wondered about goats is answered on this site. I love my milk stand!!

Columbus, Ohio

Kim and me lunching at the Northstar Cafe.

I was able to get a mom's weekend away over Easter to visit with my great friend, Kimberly. She's in Columbus, OH with her husband, John, and her almost 2-year old daughter Ann. We had a nice time visiting, eating, libating, and shopping. You know, girl stuff. It was a nice get-away for me and a much appreciated respite from Mommydom.
We began the visit with lunch at the Northstar Cafe. Kimberly's sister, Kelly, took the pictures. My usual there is their own veggie burger and a "Starburst" fresh juice consisting of carrot and apple juices with a little ginger thrown in for extra tastiness. Every time I visit Columbus I must have my Northstar burger! Kim, Kelly, and I went from here to Jeni's ice cream for the best ice cream I've ever had! This time I fell for the Orange Blossom flavor. Tasted exactly like the essence of an orange blossom. Heavenly! Jeni's has the most unique flavors I've ever heard of in ice cream... delicious too. Last summer, the flavor I chose was Ohio sweet corn with blackberries! sounds iffy - but I had to try - and it was simply delicious! Some of their other unique flavors include Thai Chili, creme de Violet, lavender and wild berries, Savannah buttermint, salty caramel, and black coffee, among many others. You can even have the ice cream shipped to you where ever you are so it can be enjoyed anytime! Bottom line: it's really good and different.
After ice cream, we did a bit of shopping before Kelly had to head back to Cinncinnati, where she lives. Kim and I went out for dinner together and enjoyed some wine and delicious food.

Ann and me coloring together. She's very good at her art.

I was able to get some Whole Foods Market shopping in where we bought some lamb to make at home for dinner. Delicious! I headed back home on Monday and was very happy and refreshed. It was good to return to my family again.


Coloring Easter Eggs

I wondered if it would work dying our own brown eggs. We found out that it does indeed work. Different tones, but beautiful still!

Now we're hoping that the Easter bunny can find his way to our house down here in the valley!

They turned out pretty darn great!

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Snow Day

No school today. A big snow/ice storm blew in yesterday. I think that tomorrow we will be home too. Even John stayed home from work today - and it takes a lot to keep him home!

The boys seemed to be able to stand the freezing outdoor temperatures for long periods of time, unlike their parents.
Barn kitty, Cream, had fun frolicking in the snow too. He followed me wherever I went hoping to be picked up and scratched.

The Codorus Creek


Road Trip to Pittsburgh, PA

Our family drove to Pittsburgh, PA to enjoy a brief visit with my great friend, Kimberly, whom I met back in my Atlanta days. Kim's living in Ohio, so Pittsburgh is a convenient place for us to meet that is pretty much at a halfway point between our homes. We stayed overnight in adjoining rooms. The fellas went to the Duquesne Incline and museum in town while Kim and I went out for Sangria and a nice chat. The guys met us after their sightseeing and we all had a delicious dinner together at Mad Mex mexican restaurant.

The official picture of the Duquesne Incline. Unfortunately, during our visit, it was cloudy, and very cold. The good thing was that it snowed alot! We haven't had much of that yet this winter. It was a plus.

The boys inside the incline car.

Jeanne and Kim are off for Sangria and conversation.

What? No indoor pool in the hotel? No problem for these boys! They just "swim" in the tub!

The boys with their Kimmy. Kim came without her family (husband, John and toddler, Annie) so she was able to give the boys all the attention that they wanted.


Snow. Finally!

Juniper isn't sure what to think of this snow. This is the first snowfall of her life. She was born last May into really warm weather.

For the chickens, it's business as usual.

The boys are thrilled to finally have snow to play in.

It only snowed for a couple of hours; not much accumulation at all. But still, it was really nice to have our first snow. We are hoping for more though!


January Artwork

Asa painted a picture of a colorful summer day with fingerpaints.

This is Jake's mixed media portrait.