Asa and Jake at their bus stop on their first day of school. Jake boards the bus alone in the morning.
Asa is in Mrs. McCoy's afternoon Kindergarden class. Our neighbor, Greta, is also in the same class. Jake rides the bus in the early morning; Asa and Greta catch the bus around lunchtime, and then all three ride the same bus home at the end of the day. Jake is in Miss Hoover's 3rd grade class. Miss Hoover is new to Friendship Elementary school this year. She taught at another local elementary school last year. Friendship is closer to her home, so she changed schools. She is getting married at the end of September, so she will then be Mrs. Felix. Jake really likes her so far. He finds her to be very much like his first grade teacher from Catonsville, Miss McGowan.

Neighbor Greta and Asa waiting for the bus together on the first day. 
The now-experienced Asa getting off of the bus at the end of his first day of school. He can't wait to return tomorrow!