The weekend of February 25 our family went to New York City to attend Cherie Blum's surprise 40th birthday party. Tammy, Jordan, and Nick came along so Tammy could hang with Jake and Asa while we went to the party. We all took the Staten Island Ferry to do a drive-by of the Statue of Liberty, saw Times Square (our hotel was in the heart of Times Square), went to Soho to go to our favorite store, Pearl River; guess who we ran into in Pearl River the morning before the surprise party?? To our great surprise Josh, Cherie and Lily were shopping in that store. Perhaps we blew the surprise, but Josh tried to convince us that Cherie already knew that something was up. The party was a lot of fun with a delicious dinner, then an 80’s dance party after. Jake came down with a pretty bad virus on our first night, and he’s just about over it now – on Wednesday! It’s been a rough week for the boy – but he’s almost over it. Just the week before the trip, Asa had strep throat! Now spring is almost here, and hopefully we’ll stay healthy for the rest of the winter.

Jordan and Tammy watching a street musician playing the steele drums.

Lunch in Soho after bumping into the Blums at Pearl River.