The boys love Lily so much - she is such a great playmate for them - she has no trouble at all keeping up with them.
We hosted Christmas/Hannukah dinner at our house. The Coburns, Sass, and Margaret came to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ with us. This was my first dinner - and boy, was I naiive about the amount of work involved in pulling off such a meal. Thank you everyone who helped for all your hard work to make what ended up being a very delicious meal. Cherie makes the Thanksgiving meal look so effortless, that I thought that I could do that too; I quickly realized that I was in over my head. There were at least three people in the kitchen at all times working non-stop until the meal was complete. This was not what I had visualized before hand, but it did end up very delicious despite my lack of organization. Cherie was gracious enough to give me a couple smart tips, and I hope to do much better next year. I look forward to the challenge. Josh and Cherie made homemade Potato Latkes, then shared with everyone the tradition of lighting the Menorah and both said the Jewish prayer in Hebrew.